Genre: Romance, Drama
Starring by: Michel Simon, Dita Parlo, Jean Dasté, Gilles Margaritis, Louis Lefebvre
Directed & Produced by: Boris Kaufman, Maurice Jaubert, Louis Chavance, Jean Vigo, Jean Vigo
Release Date: [released]
Running time: 89 minutes
IMDb Rating: 7.7/10 by 196 users
Capricious small-town girl Juliette and barge captain Jean marry after a whirlwind courtship, and she comes to live aboard his boat, L'Atalante. As they make their way down the Seine, Jean grows weary of Juliette's flirtations with his all-male crew, and Juliette longs to escape the monotony of the boat and experience the excitement of a big city. When she steals away to Paris by herself, her husband begins to think their marriage was a mistake.
Sometimes, watching movies is just about escaping from reality. When your life is getting bored, a good movie is a kind of cure that you need - your escaping route from routineness.
And L'Atalante (1934) could be a way to kill your boredom.
Released in 4/24/1934, L'Atalante (1934) delivers an exceptional spectacle with stunning acts from the stars. The movie had good review with 7.7/10 by 196 users rating in IMDB.
Starring by Michel Simon, Dita Parlo, Jean Dasté, Gilles Margaritis, Louis Lefebvre, L'Atalante (1934) is one of must watch list in genre Romance, Drama. For 89 minutes, L'Atalante (1934) will provoke you kind of emotions, leaving you memorable spectacle to remember.
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