Genre: Science Fiction
Starring by: Margot Robbie, Chiwetel Ejiofor, Chris Pine
Directed & Produced by: Tobey Maguire, Bill Johnson, Kerry Barden, Sigurjón Sighvatsson, Steve Bannatyne
Release Date: [released]
Running time: 97 minutes
IMDb Rating: 5.6/10 by 549 users
In the wake of a nuclear war, a young woman survives on her own, fearing she may actually be the proverbial last woman on earth, until she discovers the most astonishing sight of her life: another human being. A distraught scientist, he’s nearly been driven mad by radiation exposure and his desperate search for others. A fragile, imperative strand of trust connects them. But when a stranger enters the valley, their precarious bond begins to unravel.
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Released in 8/13/2015, Z for Zachariah (2015) delivers an exceptional spectacle with stunning acts from the stars. The movie had good review with 5.6/10 by 549 users rating in IMDB.
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